
bowls with spout & vase.jpg



In contemporary life we savor rest and repose — an oasis — where refreshment and peace prevail. These pots are from that place and, it is hoped, radiate a sense of history and the lure of undiscovered provenance. They’re called Oasis out of an appreciation for integrated living and a guess that we may recover a certain missing quality by finding a model from our own past.




An Interior Monologue

Black & White

This selection of photography is from a period in which process, rather than content, was emphasized. It illustrates an interior monologue from which form ideas emerge. They could be called 'studio events' simply because they illustrate what was going on in the studio rather than what the studio was producing. 'Figure Study' in this case merely serves as a reference.


Short Films

These films center on themes having to do with identity, spiritual issues and personal experience.

Filmmaking grew out of my work in photography. For a period,  a series of photographs were figure studies shot as time exposures. The next intuitive step was to put those studies into motion. A couple of experimental videos followed. The emerging purpose has been to hint at narrative without robbing imagery of its sovereign power, without loading an image with information. A painting, for example, loses strength when it leans on its meaning. With that in mind I began a series of short films shooting on Super 8. 

Film montage is a natural choice. Respecting the viewerʼs capacity to create narrative while drawing from oneʼs own experience remains paramount.